This is the Windows README file for PocketD Plus v4.4 - PocketWare ------------------------------------------------------------------- PocketD Plus is an extremely powerful DOS-based file manager that allows the user to perform file manipulations far beyond the capacity of Windows Program Manager. PocketD Plus was awarded "BEST NEW UTILITY 1992" by PsL and was WHAT PC's runner-up "BEST UTILITY 1994". PocketD Plus is a Shareware product, and requires a registration payment after a 30-day trial period. PocketWare - ASP Member Using PocketD inside Windows ---------------------------- The menu-driven interface "MenuD" for PocketD Plus is not a Windows application, but can be easily used from within Windows. It will support a Microsoft mouse, but only if a mouse driver has already been installed (e.g. MOUSE.COM or MOUSE.SYS). The mouse interface is optimised for efficient use within MenuD rather than the more common Windows-style usage. PocketD Plus for Windows? ------------------------ This is a future project. Existing registered PocketD users will be able to upgrade to PocketD for Windows for a heavily discounted price, when it becomes available. What is PocketD used for? ------------------------- PocketD allows the user to look for, browse, examine, copy and manipulate files with the flexibility of a programming language. It is astonishingly powerful for performing operations for which there is no other reasonable solution. Documentation? -------------- MenuD provides full access to the on-line guide and manual which describes each of the 220 options in detail and provides worked examples. The install disk also includes printable documentation files giving quick examples, network management uses and a general introduction. The registered version comes with a comprehensive bound 110-page pocket-sized manual which is packed with many example applications from common day-to-day disk and network management to exotic examples such as the automatic generation of C source code.